Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Fencer6 here with a review of the Skylanders video game. Depending on who you ask, some might say that this game is kind of old, since it has been out for almost a year. In fact, they've already came out with a sequel, Skylanders Giants, but it's still a great game. The big thing that makes it unlike most any other game is that your character is a figurine that you put on a stand, to activate it in the game. Even though it's been out for a while, I still think it's a great game. What you do is you go on "quests" and you try to find these, things to fix the "core of light" this thing that protects skylands (now that I think about it, it's kind of hard to explain) and you goal is to fix it to fend off the darkness, blah,blah,blah. I think that it's action packed and lots of fun. Plus, if you get in a really bad jam on a level, there are always more skylanders to collect to help you on some of the harder levels.
You can visit their site by clicking here.
You can also see the Wikipedia page on Skylanders by clicking here.
Hope you think it's cool!